A self powered machine gun that could fire 600 rounds per minute
which is equivalent to the firepower of 30 contemporary bolt action
rifles. It has mostly been associated with British conquests and was
famously used when 700 British soldiers fought off 3,000 warriors with
just four Maxim guns in the Battle of Shangani.
With a ball diameter of 80 cm, this super gun was the largest weapon
used in 15th century Austria. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum at Vienna
houses this monstrous bombard today.
The world’s largest cannon ever has a caliber of 975 mm. Created by
Joseph Paixhans, this monster weapon staked its notoriety during the
Siege of Antwerp in 1832.
This engraved cannon is the largest howitzer ever made. It weighs 38
tonnes and is 5.34 meters long. Built in 1586, this massive weapon is
now being displayed at the Kremlin in Moscow Russia.
The first war vehicle to be called a tank could carry 5 machine guns
and 8 soldiers. Mark I had several upgrades numbered II to X but all
bore the same resemblance to their “Mother”. This massive tank and its
variants were used by several countries throughout the First World War.
This mean machine created by Rheinmetall for the Nazi war machine was
the largest self-propelled weapon to be used in actual attacks during
World War II.
These two humongous World War II era German 80 cm railway siege guns
are the largest caliber rifled weapons in history used in live combat
and its shells are the heaviest of any ammunition ever.
The Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot or hand-held anti-tank
grenade launcher or simply the RPG is the most widely used anti-armor
weapon in the world. Used by both militaries and insurgent groups, RPG’s
even the battlefield out against opponents with more heavy artillery.
This gravity bomb is the United States’ most powerful nuclear warhead
ever but has already been retired in 1957. The only 2 bombers that
carried it were the B-52 Stratofortress and B-47 Stratojet.
With a top speed of Mach 3, this Russian supersonic ramjet powered
cruise missile makes it hard for enemies to counter attack. Not only
that, because of the active military weapons’ secrecy, little is known
about it’s background except for some measurements, calculated speed and
a few other bits of very basic information.
Other than the fact that its recorded speeds are between Mach 2.9 up
to a whopping Mach 5.7 making it way faster than the previous item on
this list, this Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise missile can also
effectively sink a US carrier. That’s powerful.
A class of long range Iranian missiles that could potentially reach
up to 5,000 km, Shahab missile upgrades are shrouded in secrecy but the
assumption is that they would be used during a possible invasion by
The Agni missile is a family of medium to intercontinental range
ballistic missiles developed by India, named after one of the five
elements of nature.
We all are familiar with the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings that
changed the course of history during the last World War. Named after
film characters, these two infamous nuclear bombs gave humanity a
shocking memory of what warfare can do to a nation and its future
The 9 megatons of TNT in B53 staked their claim as the most powerful
warhead ever. It is one of the last very high yield thermonuclear bombs
in the U.S. service but is no longer used actively.
During the time of its development, the Mother of all Bombs or the
officially named GBU-43/B Massice Ordinance was considered the most
powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed. Tested on March 11, 2003, its
blast can destroy 9 city blocks with a radius of 137.61 m. A larger
version of 13 tons was reportedly developed.
Nicknamed “Father of All Bombs” (FOAB), this is a Russian-made
air-delivered/land-activated thermobaric weapon. In describing the
bomb’s destructive power, Russian deputy chief of the general staff
Alexander Rukshin was quoted as saying, “all that is alive merely
Remember those enormous mushroom cloud explosions in history books?
Well those were caused by these guys. The Tsar Bomb had a mass of 27
tons and would create a fireball with a radius of 3.5 kilometers.
With twin nuclear reactors that don’t need refueling for 23 years and
bays that are capable of holding up to 130 F/A-18 Hornets just the
appearance of this carrier in any region is enough to influence global
The Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser Testbed, (formerly Airborne Laser)
weapons system is a megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL)
mounted inside a modified Boeing 747-400F. It is primarily designed as a
missile defense system to destroy tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs)
but funding for the program was cut in 2010.
Used by the United States, the Royal Air Force, and the Italian Air
Force, these drones are becoming increasingly common for both combat and
recon operations.
Launched from a submarine, this missile contains eight thermonuclear
warheads. That’s bad news for anybody even remotely near the target.
The difference between the previous entry and this Russian missile
are the number of warheads that it can carry and the fact that it is
normally launched from dry land. With its massive payload this ICBM
wouldn’t have much trouble initiating a nuclear holocaust.
Nuclear bombs and lasers are scary and powerful, no doubt about that.
But as they say there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and if you’re
going for slow, mentally devastating destruction sometimes launching the
diseased riddled bodies of prisoners that you’ve executed back over the
city walls is the most sadistic way to go about decimating a
As we just said, being able to destroy an entire city in less than a
second with the push of a button is one way to measure destructive
power, but being able to selectively and slowly decimate a population
with disease and infection is so unconventionally brutal that it has to
top the list.
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