القائمة الرئيسية


احذر قد تخدعك عيناك

ان ما تراه في الصور التالية ليس سوى رسومات ثلاثية الابعاد

ولكن من الوهلة الاولى ستشعر انها حيوانات حية فعلا ً.

هل للإبداع حدود؟؟

شاركنا برأيك عن هذه الرسومات

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals
